In Cronenberg's cinematic interpretation of Burroughs's "Naked Lunch," Peter Weller's Bill Lee character is confronted by Hank with pages of reports he cannot remember writing. Bill Lee drawls laconically, "I never saw these pages before. I truly do suspect some colossal con."
I echo that sentiment. A podcast with a voice that appears to be mine has been released. However, I have no memory of ever being involved in this podcast. Mind control? Sorcery? Technical chicanery? You be the judge.
Happy Samhain, Blessed Be
About this Episode
Since October 2023, Vayse HQ has been regularly receiving mysterious, confusing and unsettling emails, seemingly from all over the world, all hinting towards the same impossible conclusion.
In this episode the Vayse boys launch an investigation into where these weird communications might be coming from and who might be behind them with a little help and a lot of expertise from some familiar and very welcome faces: Douglas Batchelor, Darragh Mason, Sequoyah Kennedy, Joseph Matheny, Stephanie Quick and AP Strange. The deeper they dig, the more they find themselves falling down rabbit holes within rabbit holes within rabbit holes… (Recorded October 2024)
Strange Tales of People Who Built Portals to Other Dimensions
HSA Skateboard Deck (Reissue)
A faithful reissue of the Hyperborean Skateboarding Association Protective Sigil Deck
(Ong’s Hat fans will get this wildly inside joke provided by the roasters of the official coffee of the Institute for Chaos Studies)
Redshift and the Hyperborean Skateboarding Association have collaborated to re-create the deck designed by Teofila herself and used on Java2 by the teenagers of the first generation travelers. These decks faithfully reproduce the correct sigil sequence to provide maximum protection from invisible beings. The only safe way to skate the abandoned monuments on Earth2. Each deck comes with an apotropaic amulet made from authentic Java2 obsidian.
We have to look for power sources here, and distribution networks we were never taught, routes of power our teachers never imagined, or were encouraged to avoid…we have to find meters whose scales are unknown in the world, draw our own schematics, getting feedback, making connections, reducing the error, trying to learn the real function…zeroing in on what incalculable plot? Up here, on the surface, coal-tars, hydrogenation, synthesis were always phony, dummy functions to hide the real, the planetary mission yes perhaps centuries in the unrolling…this ruinous plant, waiting for its Kabbalists and new alchemists to discover the Key, teach the mysteries to others…